Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Great Council

I've been busy lately with family, work and basic survival and am now only able to put foward this short piece after all that's happened. What a great Easter weekend, bad for my blood pressure but good for rugby lovers worldwide. My heartfelt congratulations to the Fiji Sevens team. The doubt I had in the Fiji team after the game against the great Tongan team is similar to the doubt I had when the GCC met yesterday.
The jubilation at the end of the Tongan game is similar to the experience I had when I heard of the stand of the GCC, hence this article.

Great Council.

When the GCC met in December 2006 to deliberate on the implications of the coup and compiled their advice in a list of directives and recommendations to the coup leader Voreqe, their conclusion was that the coup was illegal and that Voreqe return Fiji to democracy by either reinstating the previous govt, or hold an election. I'm not too sure about the actual details - can't find that Fiji Times I was keeping for this very matter. I do recall however the statements made by Voreqe - "Chiefs should just have a meeting and drink grog..." whilst the failed political party of Ganilau, Sukanaivalu, Korovulavula were recorded as saying that the "Chiefs list should be given to Santa" regarding the list of recomendations the Chiefs put foward to Voreqe and his coup criminals.

These words came back to bite them where it hurts when the great Marama na Tui Dreketi Ro Teimumu Kepa spoke in the GCC meeting yesterday - Wednesday 11th April. The public humiliation and degradation that the GCC suffered at the 'mouth' of the military dictator Voreqe and his henchmen Ganilau opened up a rift in the indigenous people. As of December 5, their way of life was ridiculed, stomped on and trashed by this illegal regime. Every Fijian born in this country is taught their identity, their cultural way of life which is deeply founded on respect and leadership.

This was thrown to the wind when the existence and purpose of their very own hierarchial council was questioned and publicly ridiculed.

This great council was established to provide an indigeous voice in the leadership of this country, allowing indigenous Fijians the benefit initially denied the indigenous Maoris, denied the Aboriginals of Australia, denied the indigenous American Indians. The adaption of the Western democracy model to allow the indigenous voice to be heard, respected and where possible followed, is Fiji's version of democracy. A version that of course may need revision, and may need tuning along the way, but a version nevertheless that worked towards protecting the indigenous culture, people and their way of life whilst accepting a democratic way of life to coexist with other peoples, cultures and the ever changing social structure of this multi-cultural pacific nation.

This was thrown away with the onslaught of injustice brought about by the December 5th coup - the biggest culprits being chiefs themselves - Epeli Ganialu, Epeli Natilatiku, Voreqe (claims to the Ratu title).
Rejected chiefs.

Now the very people who ridiculed this establishment of Chiefs and their advisors have become dependant on the same council to push forward their pawn in their evil scheme of taking total control of Fiji. The endorsement of the GCC for the Vice President's nominee would seal their status in the eyes of the indigenous people - the very people whose identity and way of life was ridiculed by these arrogant treasonous criminals.

The GCC's rejection of the Presidential nominee speaks volumes of the integrity of this council.

Although some will claim that the rejection centered on the council's own agenda and personal politics, it has become obvious to the nation that the stand of the GCC since their December meeting has been one geared towards bringing this country forward by restoring it as soon as possible to a democratically elected Government, in as peaceful a manner as possible. Their opposition to the illegal regime has been admirable, especially when one considers the personal cost to their status, lives and families.

The recent shady attacks on the GCC Chairman Ratu Ovini Bokini is one obvious ploy in the illegal regime's attempt to ursurp this respectable authority before the scheduled GCC meeting. The fact that one of the ring leaders of this attack was allowed to leave the country even though his name was on the Immigration Watchlist implicates some darker involvement of the authorities in this matter. The Director's claim that he let the culprit go because there was "something funny with the ban on him" speaks volumes of the integrity of the shady attackers of Ratu Ovini Bokini, the 'interim director' of Immigration and the department's integrity in allowing a person to depart the country even though his name is on the watchlist. The implications this will have on other friends of the Director whose names appear on the watchlist is frightening to say the least - particularly for the countries of destinations these said individuals were to visit. I do wonder if the US is paying close attention to the apparent lax in our country's immigration border control.

The illegal military regime has now failed at their various undertakings regarding the GCC with their
  • weak attempt at undermining the respected chairman's position as Tui Tavua
  • failed attempt at cooercing the various provinces to their cause
  • public failed attempt at winning the respect of the GCC to endorse their nominee for future President of Fiji.

They have now taken the high ground with the typical response of not acknowledging the GCC, with Epeli Ganilau even going as far, on Fijian radio this morning, as to feign surprise at the manner in which the GCC questioned the legality of the coup.

He was quoted in today's daily as saying that the chiefs should "accept what has happened and move fiji forward".
He then threatens to throw out any Chief in the Council who refuses to agree with the illegal military regime.
This from a man who's own people DID NOT vote him into government.

This from a man who doesn't even rule his own province.

This from a man who was unemployed before the coup and is now taking up an ILLEGAL post in the Fijian Affairs.

Latest broadcast [12 April] from the Fiji Radio Station is that this same man is looking at legally changing the composition of the Great Council of Chiefs. He has now raised questions regarding Ro Teimumu's appointment into the Great Council.

Now even Voreqe's getting on the bandwagon about getting the Chiefs to see it their way - the illegal military regime's way or not at all.

This man is obviously either very very desperate, very very stupid, or very very both.

"Our Fiji today is a new Fiji where individual freedom is protected and not a Fiji solely for Fijians. Wise decisions from this august house will promote multiracial harmony and true friendship."
Excerpt from voreqe's speech to Great Council of Chiefs in 2005

As the GCC meets again today to discuss our country's next president, the nation waits with anticipation, anxiety and dread. We all hope and pray that the GCC will stand up to the illegal regime and continue their stand for progress towards democracy and freedom. Whilst on the other hand, somewhere deep in the back of our minds, we know that this GCC decision could easily be overturned or ignored by the illegal military regime should the GCC continue to stand up against the illegal regime. We know that there is nothing to stop the illegal military regime from pushing their presidential pawn through their judicial pawn(s) and somehow legalise this. We know that the illegal regime will most probably just go ahead and ignore the council of the peoplel, ignore the voice of the people.

Yet we dare to hope and cling to that ideal that the Great Council of Chiefs will stand firm in their resolve to advice this illegal military regime to return this country to democracy as soon as possible, and return the power to the people of this great nation.

For even if the Great Council of Chiefs make the right decision for the people, only the people can show this illegal regime of failed politicians and criminals that we want them out!

I call upon you to make your stand known today. Email us your acknowledgement, recomendations, support or let a friend know. That's the start to getting these illegal criminals in power out so you and I can have a say in who leads this nation foward into the next year, not forward into the 'cannibalistic' era.

[read a fellow blogger's article on same topic]


Anonymous said...

A well written piece Hearts and Minds. Goodluck and keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

Not going too well Frankie?? Not the way you planned things huh?
Damn! OK I guess you'll just have to ban all future GCC meetings (cos they might be a security risk)and see where that leads you.
There's a few straws left to clutch at.

Anonymous said...

As a Fijian, I am very happy at the GCC for their boldness at standing up for what is right. I can only say 'Thank You' from the bottom of my heart.

Anonymous said...

I am amazed at how our young learned Fijians are so into the latest techo for airing out their frustrations, good on you all. Hey, but stop and think about this all, our beautiful Fiji is been slowly moved towards India, remember that this was one of the flyers given around the Parliament complex during the 2000 saga, just like the 'gunu dra' and all that crap. However, Fiji is slowly but surely been sold to India. Hey while on the issue, we are so busy about racial reconciliation, no one has ever question what is happening to us the Fijian Identity, the Tongans and Samoan's even now the Maori's have set that right. But us na kaiviti, we no longer no our identiy or what we are. We just have to look to Voreqe and his comments to know that kind of Fijians we are turning out to be. Thank you Ro Teimumu for bringing it out, we have developed faster at the expanse of our traditional values, ethics and even identity.

Anonymous said...

The Fiji-India connection is obviously gaining prominency at all levels. Cranky franky will sell Fiji off before the people can say 'aahhhh'..?

India has agreed to provide everything and anything to help us move 'forward' in the shape and size they hve envisioned for us. They've promised all sorts of aid from military aid to you name it...even Indian judges to preside in our courts..thanks in part to shaista's sister oozing charm and more to the max at cocktails hosted by the India High Comm ..and her bottle-blond sister vying hard for the High Comm post in Delhi to ensure smooth transition of all that 'aid'.Whew..!! We hve quite a future in store for us! Get ready you lazy Fijians to start carting them around in rickshaw!

Anonymous said...

Someone should tell Sonia Gandhi how the majority of Indians in Fiji votes against her becoming the Prime Minister of India wen her party won. Why? because you are not a full blooded Inidian so marrying or reproducing other who are but not you because you are not. Somebody should ask nazhat her stance when the question was raised. But now they are going to Sonia's governemnet to seek help.

Anonymous said...

Well, it's happened, the illegal regime has suspended (or should I say "sacked") the GCC, what does this say for the lack of respect the regime has for our most traditional an venerable institution? I feel ashamed. But at least the GCC has shown it has spine, it is prepared not to endorse the candidate of a regime which has no authority to nominte anyone for any position at all. Keep up the good work, "Hearts and Minds", maintain the rage, our people are behind you and all other like-minded internet blogspots.

Anonymous said...

It is high time GCC is sacked forever. In modern Fiji, GCC is irrelevant. We want prosperity and economic growth, not some kinda cultural trap. Who are the chiefs? Just cos you are a born in a chiefly family, u become a chief? How rude? Everybody born is equal. we should be allowed to lead ou own lives. GCC and other Fijian institutions have only pulled us back and create a handout mentality. The sooner we get rid of these, the better it is for Fiji.